
_K0A4835 (1)If you are looking for an expert to give you love and life tips then you have come to the wrong place. I am not an expert on anything, in fact, there are very few things in life of which I am absolutely certain. I will never claim to get things right the first time, or even the second or third. I am nothing more than an average girl who is hard-wired to want to contribute to the well being of others. I believe that the world is founded on compassion and we move in the direction of things that help us benefit others, and ultimately help us find purpose in ourselves. This blog is simply a result of my compassion and intrinsic motivation. Without the motivation to do the things we love, we accomplish very little, but with enduring passion and desire to help make the world a better place, we can inspire others. I hope that this blog will help serve as an inspiration for people who are experiencing struggle, and if nothing else, people will find it entertaining. Although I will be talking about my direct experiences, I encourage everyone to contribute and comment about their own life journey. If you are here to judge, there is a contact me section where you can send all your negativity, but for the sake of this blog, I am asking that all posts stay positive and happy and any negative comment will be deleted. But whether you hate it or love it, thanks for stopping by!

xoxo, B